Important Dates 2021
Challenge kick-off: Tuesday, Jan 12 -
Data sets shared with participants: Friday, Jan 22 -
Evaluation server open to submissions: Saturday, March 6 -
Challenge track submissions due: Friday, April 9 (11:59 PM, Pacific Time)
Evaluation submission is closed and rankings are finalized. -
Workshop papers due: Tuesday, April 13 (09:00 AM, Pacific Time)
Since our review is not double-blind, papers should be submitted in final/camera-ready form. -
Final decisions to authors: Sunday, April 18
All authors are notified in CMT. There are about 24 hours to prepare for the final version of accepted papers. -
Final papers due: Monday, April 19 (11:59 PM, Pacific Time)
All camera ready paper should be uploaded to CMT to be published by CVPR 2021. The accepted workshop papers will be accessible online at IEEE Xplore Digital Library and CVF Open Access. -
Open source on GitHub (training code + testing code + additional annotation) due: Sunday, May 9 (11:59 PM, Pacific Time)
All the competitors/candidates for awards MUST release their code for validation before decision of awardees. The performance on the leaderboard has to be reproducible without the use of external data. -
Presentation of papers and announcement of awards: Friday, June 25 (02:00 PM, Pacific Time)